Course information

Are the courses self-paced?

Yes! You’re here because you have a hectic schedule, and we totally get it! The course materials are rolled out as you complete them, but you can do so as quickly or as slowly as you want. For maximum impact, we do recommend setting a goal, however. You won’t notice the impact if you never get through it 😉.

Where should I start?

Once you sign up for a course with Impaxly, you should receive an email with a quick video showing you around the general features and any specific to your course. If you didn’t receive it, check your spam, as we highly recommend watching it before you dive in. You will also find it within the Impaxly portal in our welcome section.

Do I have lifetime access?

Yes! We are constantly updating and evolving the information we have on offer so please feel free to pop back from time to time. If you are subscribed to our mailing list, we’ll notify you when updates are rolled out. If a course you have already purchased is updated, you will automatically gain access to the new information.

Purchase questions

What if I change my mind?

We want you to be happy. If you change your mind within 7 days of starting the course, you are welcome to request a refund. There are some caveats. In order to receive a refund, you must have completed less than 25% of the course. If this is you, just email and let us know why you would like a refund.

Can I gift someone the course?

Yes! We encourage you to share Impaxly with anyone you feel will benefit from it. If you are purchasing the course for someone else, just email at time of purchase and we will make sure the login details go to the right person.

Support and contact

I need some additional help. What’s available?

First things first – you can always reach out to us for tech support and simple queries. Just email for help. We aim to reply to all emails within 24 hours although this may take a little longer on weekends and public holidays.

If you feel like you want a more personalized helping hand, we also offer coaching packages. These will be launched on the website in the near future but for now, you can reach out to us through email or social media for more information.

How do I contact you?

The easiest way to reach us is through email,, or through our Contact page. We’re also on social media:

I love Impaxly! Do you have a referral scheme?

We currently do not have a formal referral scheme in place but if you are interested in spreading the word, please contact us at and we will be happy to discuss available options.